Saturday, May 11, 2013

Treating a burn naturally at home.

We had an accident recently which prompted me to write this post. My littlest guy had some hot water from a coffee shop spilled on  him recently and I will share the method I used to treat him. I realized that most people probably are not aware of how to treat a burn at home*. I used all of the products pictured at one point or another; along with washcloths, gauze, an old shirt, and a bandage.

Burn treatment supplies Nature's Acres Homestead

When treating a burn follow these steps:

1. Immediately immerse or rinse wound with ice water, or the coldest water you have on hand.

For me this was the bathroom faucet water on the coldest setting. I immediately undressed him and splashed the water on him to Cool the burn. It is extremely important that you stop the skin from continuing to burn, which will make the degree of the burn worse.

In addition, at this stage I used Bach's Rescue Remedy spray in his mouth to help him to calm and cope with the trauma. It is made out of flower essences and is used to aid in stress relief. It can be purchased at any holistic health store, co-op, etc.

2. Access the burn. How bad is it? Is the skin peeling, blistered or melted? Do you feel you could treat it at home?

My two year old had skin peel right off of his chest in three places by the time we got home (Yes, this was how hot the cup of tea was-No, there was no neglect. His tea, which he was drinking, was iced and the tea that spilled was accidentally knocked over with a book by someone. My toddler was on my lap when it happened.). I did not personally feel that he would get faster, more effective treatment at the clinic (at home there is no check in, no paperwork, no waiting to be assessed, no running to get his prescription while he was still in pain, etc..). I brought him home and immediately did all of the following.

3. If you do not have cold water (or want to continue to cool the burn and stop it from burning the skin any further) you can make an apple cider vinegar compress to put on the burn by following these steps.
  • Mix one part apple cider vinegar to four parts cold water.
  • Quickly soak rag in the solution and ring until out just until it is very damp.
  • Lay on the burn.
I did this once we got home from the coffee shop. I left the compress on for as long as he would let me while I got the salve or cream ready to apply. This wasn't very long because he is two, but for an adult it can be kept own until you feel the burning has decreased. 

3. Use a home made burn slave or make a cream on the spot and to be used as a poultice. I made a cream with these ingredients. You do not have to use the peppermint or Frankincense oil. I chose to for reasons I explain below. This cream will work great without them as well.

Ingredients for Homemade burn cream/salve or poultice:
A poultice is a soft, moist mass (typically plant based) that is applied to a dressing(cloth, gauze etc.) to soothe or heal.
  • Raw honey. Why raw honey? Raw honey is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. It also contains many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This is exactly what you need to protect the burn from infection and to nourish it. 
  • Coconut oil. This helps to make the cream. Coconut oil also has many touted health benefits. If you don't have this you can skip it or add some high quality olive oil; just remember that this will make for a runnier cream and may need to be spread on the dressing instead of on the skin. Either way is fine.
  •  A high grade* Lavender essential oil. Lavender oil is a natural anti-inflammatory, an analgesic (relives pain), and regenerates the skin.
  • A high grade Peppermint oil. Peppermint is cooling to the skin.
  • A high grade Frankincense oil. I could not find my Vitamin E initially so I used Frankincense because my Essential Oils Desk Reference Guide listed it as a skin regenerative and aid in preventing scarring. I was/am concerned about scarring on his chest and will do what I can to prevent it.
  • Vitamin E oil. I can not say enough about Vitamin E oil either. It is known to be a fantastic aid in scar prevention, and is also very nourishing. I have memories of my Grandmother slathering every little cut or would with it when I was a child. 
4. Continue to apply burn salve until the burn is completely healed. Including when it begins to heal and crack. This will help to aid in skin regeneration, alleviate pain, prevent scarring, and reduce itching while it heals.

Click here for the printable version of the Burn Salve recipe.
Burn Salve/Poultice Directions:
This can be increased if need be.

1. Mix 1Tbs. raw honey and 1Tbsp. coconut oil. This oil can be solidified over certain temps but I just stir it with the honey and it melts real nicely. If it doesn't it is not a big deal if there is a few little bumps in it.
2. Add 1tsp. Vitamin E oil.
3. Add 7 drops Lavender essential oil.
4. Add 3 drops Peppermint essential oil.
5. Add 3 drops Frankincense essential oil. This can be omitted if you are using Vitamin E oil.
6. Combine and apply to wound, or slather on your dressing (this is a poultice) and apply to would.
7. Cover with cloth and secure with a bandage or cloth strips cut from an old t-shirt. I used a washcloth to cover his burn and cut two, two inch strips off of an old work shirt around the house, because I could not find our bandage in the chaos (even though it was right where I looked umpteen times).

I applied this two to three times a day, changing the dressing each time I applied it, to keep the burn moist and clean. This is why a dry, clean wash cloth works great, you can just get a new one each time. Continue to do this until the burn is healed. Including when it begins to heal and crack. This will help to aid in skin regeneration, alleviate pain, prevent scarring, and reduce itching while it heals and cracks.

*This is not meant to deter you from taking your child to seek medical attention at a Clinic or Hospital. If you feel your child needs medical attention, bring them in.
* I use Young Living essential oils because I am confident in their quality, purity, and sustainability in production. If you are interested in buying them at whole sale costs you can contact me to purchase with me when I order, as I have an account. This post is in no way affiliated with Young Living Essential Oils, I am just sharing one of the best essential oil resources with you.

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