
Learning to Identify Edible and Medicinal Plants you can find in your yard or community.
Tuesday, July 9th, 2013 6:30-8pm. $15.00 
The course will take place at the Homestead in Buffalo, Minnesota. We will be walking through the property identifying edible and medicinal plants that are common in our area. I will cover some of the health benefits and medicinal uses for each plant and when to harvest. I will show you how to quickly treat a wound with a plant you are all sure to be familiar with by sight. You will appreciate being able to tell your children how to do this themselves! Please bring a notebook, pen, and camera-if you desire. Rain or shine. Please wear closed toed shoes. 

Introduction to Making Medicine. Tuesday, July 23rd, 6:30-8:00pm. $15.00
The course will take place at the Homestead in Buffalo, Minnesota. In this class you will learn exactly how to make those medicines you heard about in Learning to Identify Edible and Medicinal Plants. Erase the intimidation, it is easier that you think! Come learn what a tincture is, and how you make it. How to make a medicinal oil. What exactly you need to make a medicinal salve, and where to find the ingredients. Not only will you learn how to make a tincture and oil, I will send you home with the plant material to begin your very first one on your own!! Please bring a notebook, pen, a small glass jar (jelly/babyfood sized) with a lid, and camera-if you desire. Rain or shine. Please wear closed toed shoes.

Register(or inquire) for classes via email at Please include your full name, email, and phone number to ensure you receive updates or info. regarding the class. You will be messaged our exact address.

*Possibly a Learning to Identify Edible and Medicinal Plants II if enough interest is shown after class I.

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