Saturday, May 11, 2013

Treating a burn naturally at home.

We had an accident recently which prompted me to write this post. My littlest guy had some hot water from a coffee shop spilled on  him recently and I will share the method I used to treat him. I realized that most people probably are not aware of how to treat a burn at home*. I used all of the products pictured at one point or another; along with washcloths, gauze, an old shirt, and a bandage.

Burn treatment supplies Nature's Acres Homestead

When treating a burn follow these steps:

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Building the cold frame.

Anders made our cold frame this weekend. I am really excited to share the pictures with you all, I think he did a great job! I first want to tell you a little bit about why we built one...

I have to be honest, we really don't know exactly what we are doing with starting seeds, but we are making headway. We know we need a cold frame or a green house to put the seedlings in, because of our disaster last year.

Last year we planted tons of seeds and kept them in the only south facing window that we have in our home; our bedroom. It was not so great. It smelled of potting soil and was dusty for-ever in there, and it was gross. We don't have the biggest bedroom, so we were forever climbing around it to get into bed.

I didn't know a thing about planting seeds and "hardening them off" because I had never done it before. Neither Anders, nor I had ever grown up in a home where this was done. So, what do I do? When it is nice and warm out (I am not sure what the temperature was) and I think the plants are ready to be moved outside, I picked up all those seedlings that I had been watering diligently and set them out on our picnic table to get sunstroke and die. Yep, it was a fantastic start. I didn't know what the hell I had done wrong. I was rather heartbroken. I would walk by those plants everyday and water them and think, "what did I do wrong?", "how do I do this?!" Ah, the joys! I later found out there was this thing called "hardening off" or something like that. You harden them off by introducing them gradually to the light, air, and weather elements of the outdoors. Well duh Mandi! Jeesh. Sometimes we just don't think, do we? Well, I learned. It was the hard way, but it was real effective!

So this year we looked into cold frames a bit. I say "a bit" because that is the truth of it. When we ripped out our windows last fall I had the idea to save them all for a green house/cold frame, and for future buildings ie: Up-cycling them. So, here they sat for the entire winter. Just waiting for this day.

Nature's Acres Homestead Cold Frame © 2013.