Thursday, April 18, 2013

What do we do on the homestead, what does that look like? Who are we?

I think after introducing what homesteading is exactly, we should let you know what that looks like at Nature's Acres Homestead. What do we do each season or day? I will do this with some pics of the joint. Please note that none of them are current as we are in the middle of the most absurd winter blizzard in the middle of April. I have no intention of snapping shots of anything right now. At evening chore time the snow on the way to the chicken coops was mid-calf in some places. Which just means that more pictures will come in later posts. I have found that people love pics of the HSF(I am going to use this for Homestead/Farm, way easier) while reading an update, so....a photo montage, in  no particular order...just thowin' 'em up there as I find them...'cause that is the reality of life.

First, meet the Benson's...we typically dress like this and hold hands while doing farm chores...when I harvest cherries(Mandi) it gets real fun... I hope you all are ready for some snickers while is who I am.

The lot of us..except the kids are a bit older..I don't take family pics often..but, here we are. These are the best pics of us you will see on here, this is not farm garb, and when we take pics we wont be modeling. Well, my daughter might be..

How I do some chores with young kids..this is a more realistic photo.

Sunrise call. Every day. It is either a bird or a child, either way..there is the call.


The two chicken coops.

The birds.


See the baby one that hatched? ^^

This duck did survive this..I ran to it's aid. He meant well.

We had fun with the quackers the last few years. We wont have them this year. I will miss their very consistently laid, and great baking eggs though! We are switching to TURKEYS this year! I love anything new, so I am really excited about this.

Chow. I cook almost everything we eat from scratch. I make preserves from our fruit trees and freeze produce also. Dehydrating has not gone well for me in the past..we will see where I take that this year.

Making bread.
These are my daughter's little hands.

And Voila!

If you are an avid bread maker you would have noticed that the final product here is not what was being kneaded above...shame on me. I just didn't have a final product picture of the sourdough she was making above. Oops.

Raw milk.

Home made fermented foods like kombucha, milk kefir and others..

Eggs from our girls.

We make several different types of home made wines; it's a family deal, this one is dandelion.

Some of the bounty from the orchard, and some of the other garden preserves.  

Crab apples for jelly. A family tradition that began with my Grandmother.

Doesn't the finished product look amazing?! If you have never tried crab apple or sour cherry jelly, you must get some from me this year. It really is so good. And it is gorgeous to display and give as gifts!

Cukes being made into pickles.

Unfortunately these pictures above aren't the best, we need a better camera; but they give you the idea.

Processing some of the meat that is raised or hunted on the homestead. This is venison.

We are half way through this box of venison already, and we have a long wait until the next hunting season!

Fun. We really do love what we are doing. We are raising three kids and we encourage them to explore, get dirty, learn, appreciate Mother Earth and to have fun.

This is just a snapshot of what we do. There are a LOT more preserves that I make, like: stewed and crushed tomatoes, salsa, applesauce, apple butters, pickles, wines, sour cherry compotes and whole cherries preserved in vanilla syrup (thee best in cakes!!!) and the list goes on.. We butcher our animals, we build outbuildings (our property has zero when we moved in), we garden, we play with our children, we harvest, and we learn more and more so we can start something new each year.

We hope you enjoy the posts and learn a little something along the way. It is the most fun for us at the homestead if you leave a comment here and there and tell us what you think, what you'd like to hear more about, or to just say hi.

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